Green house - hetken englanniksi
I have recently (to my great surprise and joy!) had also non-Finnish people visiting my blog. I thought it would maybe be nice to write a short summary about my blog for you in English.
About two years ago I decided to realise a life long dream of having my very own summer house. At the time I was living in a one room apartment in the city and wanted a place to go to when in need of more space and some fresh air. I like to renovate and decorate, so it was obvious I wanted the house to be old and shabby. I especially admired the modest and practical wooden houses built in the 1940´s and 50´s after the war. After having looked into it, I found out that it would be possible for me to buy an old house situated about a two-hour drive from Helsinki, the city where I lived in. So I ended up offering to buy a beautiful green house by a field in the countryside, built in 1948.
The house has four rooms; kitchen, livingroom and guest bedroom downstairs, and another bedroom upstairs. There is electricity, but no running water. The house came with some forest and a yard with plum and apple trees. In the summertime you can see deer in the field nearby, last summer I watched a big elk walk majestically by in the night time.
This blog is a photo diary about the house. I usually write a few words about what has been going on in the countryside lately; renovating, latest thrift store finds, furniture moving around, and so on. Sometimes, if I haven´t visited the house in a long time, I might post pictures about the apartment in the city also. The name of the blog "Vihreä talo" simply translates to "Green house".
It looks great. I want a small house!
VastaaPoistaI love the style and now I get it. Thanks!
VastaaPoistaIhan hyvää teki tämä lyhennelmä myös uudemmalla suomenkieliselle lukijalle!
VastaaPoistaMukavaa viikkoa! =)
mää en kestä, vihreä talo on liiiiiiian ihana!!
VastaaPoistaMelko tuoreena lukijana pakko yltyä lopultakin kehumaan tämän postauksen myötä. :D
VastaaPoistaKuvasi ja tunnelmasi ovat ihania, ne välittävät rentoa ja kodikasta tunnelmaa. Ja vihreä talo on ihan omaa luokkaansa - IHANA isoilla kirjaimilla! Paljon löydän omia unelmiani täältä, ehkä ne itsekin joskus vielä saan toteutettua...
Ihanaa alkanutta viikkoa sinne!
VastaaPoistaOlen asunut maailmalla useamman vuoden, ja hiukkasen haikailen paluumuuttoa, joka tällä hetkellä ei taida toteutua. Käyn teillä kylässä, kun omaa mökkiä ei ole. On kiva lukea omankielisiä juttuja, ja sitäpaitsi sulla on kiva blogi ja hienoja kuvia!
Viimeinen kuva on kerta kaikkiaan ihana. Siinä on sadunomainen, upea tunnelma. Tulisipa jo kesän lämpimät ja hämärät illat.
VastaaPoistaHei! aivan ihana blogi, löysin tieni tänne vasta nyt. kaunista!
VastaaPoistaThank you for the English Annika! I followed Jutta's link from sfgirlbybay to your blog. What beautiful photographs, they captured the essence of this lovely home. I love how you decorated the place, thanks so much for sharing!
VastaaPoistaThis looks like absolute heaven! I also live in a big city, but grew up with fields and deer and wild turkey. I want to live like that again when I buy a house.
VastaaPoistafinaly something I can understand, :-) so please continue with the english summary.
VastaaPoistaThank you for the English summary. Your photos are beautiful and the house is a perfect country house.
VastaaPoistaHello from a non-Finnish reader! I'm from Scotland. What a lovely house and situation - orchards and elks!An english sentence every now and again would be greatly appreciated! Thanks